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Language Packs

Available language packs

Ready-to-use language packs can be found in the code repository.


Language packs currently contain the translations for the web interface and the display. Additional translations for e.g. the event log will follow.

Installation / Upload of language packs

Language packs can be uploaded to the device using the Config Management function. Select "Language Pack" in the restore section, select a .json file containing your language and press "Restore". Afterwards all language selection drop-down menus contain the new language.

File structure

Meta data

The language pack contains a meta section with the following parameters:

  • name: Human readable name of the language. Will be used in the frontend (Should be in the appropriate language)
  • code: Set 1 ISO1 code of the language

Display data

The display section contains all the translation keys used for externally connected displays. The following parameters are used:

  • date_format: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M" or similar, see strftime format or consult a cheat sheet
  • offline: Text if the inverters are offline

The following parameters shall contain text (a label) and a format specifier2 like %.1f to format the respective floating point value:

  • power_w: Current inverter output power in W
  • power_kw: Current inverter output power in kW
  • yield_today_wh: Inverter daily yield in Wh
  • yield_today_kwh: Inverter daily yield in kWh
  • yield_total_kwh: Inverter total yield in kWh and one decimal place
  • yield_total_mwh: Inverter total yield in MWh and zero decimal places

WebApp data

The webapp section contains all the translation keys as used in the web app.


    "meta": {
        "name": "Italiano",
        "code": "it"
    "display": {
        "date_format": "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
    "webapp": {
        "menu": {